
Qwerty 5

writing and design Stephen Banham | publisher Letterbox

Winner | New York Type Directors Club Certificate of Excellence (usa)

Qwerty 5 presents an audit of the biggest letters in Australia from A through to Z, each letter measured in metres, feet and even points. In case you’re wondering the biggest was an uppercase Y estimated at being half a kilometre in dimensions (it was written in the sky). This fifth issue in the series also introduced the mysterious two mile wide Readymix logo dug into the Australian desert, an artefact researched more comprehensively in Fancy (2003).

The original point-of-sale display for Qwerty 5 (1995) made from old found signage.

The poster for the Qwerty 5 launch (1995) held in the long-gone specialist design bookshop Art Salon in Crossley Lane, Melbourne.